Dr. Victor Sánchez, MD, PhD
Dr. Victor Sánchez graduated with a degree in Medicine from the University of Guadalajara. He then began his PhD program in Neuroscience, receiving a national grant from the National Council of Research and Technology. He has completed research on neurodegenerative diseases, mainly Alzheimer’s Disease and Prion Diseases. As part of his training, Dr. Sanchez attended the National Prion Clinic (London), the National UK CJD Surveillance Unit (Edinburgh), the National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center (Cleveland) and the Nationalez Referenzzentrum für die Surveillance TSE (Göttingen).
Dr. Sánchez has been working on the establishment of a Mexican CJD Surveillance Center, receiving a grant from the Mexican Institute of Health. He has published study guidelines on prion diseases for the Mexican Academy of Neurology and was an Advisor on neurodegenerative diseases for the Mexican Academy of Neurology. Victor is Founder and Director of the CJD Foundation Mexico, which is a member of the CJD International Support Alliance. He then restructured it along with a CJD family member and established the Fundación de Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas, México (FENDMEX), where he is the Medical Director.
Dr. Sánchez has been the Head of the Clinical Department at the Universidad de Guadalajara, where he established Postgraduate Programs on a) Public Health, b) Bioethics and c) PhD Program in Biosciences. He has a line of Research focused on Mental Health and Neurodegeneration. He’s directed research projects focused on the epidemiology, clinical, neuropsychological and molecular aspects of Alzheimer’s Disease and neural cell cultures on both Alzheimer’s and Prion Diseases. As a clinician, he’s got experience of more than 12 years attending CJD patients from all over the country and has given assistance to CJD families in several countries in Latin America.
He is Director of the PhD Program in Biosciences at University of Guadalajara, Director of both the University’s IRB and Biosafety Committee and a member of the Directing Board of the Master’s Degree Program in Bioethics.